By: Food For Bears (a.k.a. Wyndryders)

Mikey’s car went off the road. His head jerked up. He’d fallen asleep at the wheel. He tried to get control of the steering wheel as the car bounced across the icy, muddy embankment and into the bushes where it came to a sudden stop.

He was okay. He tried to back out. The wheels spun around. He tried to go forward. He was sinking deeper. He was dug in so far, the door wouldn’t open. He climbed out the window.

He hadn’t dressed for this weather. He was driving cross-country to California, and hadn’t thought about the land in between. A light snow was falling and his jacket was thin.

He checked his watch. It was past midnight. The road was pitch black in both directions. Even if he found a business, what would be open at this hour? But he couldn’t just stay where he was. He’d freeze to death in half-an-hour in this cold. He hadn’t seen another car on this forested road for hours. It might be days before anyone found him.

He started walking, trying not to notice the ache in his fingers and toes.

Luckily, it wasn’t long before he saw some red neon in the distance. He ran toward it

“The Come-Along Inn” was more like a wooden shed. Mikey pulled over. “At least it’ll be warm inside and I can get a cup of coffee.”

He put on his thin jacket, locked his car, and ran up to the side door.

The lights were so low, it was almost impossible to see inside. Classic rock on the jukebox. No one seemed to be around.

“Hello?” Mikey asked into the blackness. Is there a phone I can use?”

“Be right there!” called friendly voice from somewhere in the gloom. Mikey strained to see. A big, bearded, smiling bruiser came through a dark doorway and made his way behind the bar. He passed Mikey a phone. “Want some coffee?”

“Oh, yeah. I’m freezing.”

The bartender filled a pot with water.

Mikey clicked the receiver a few times. “Anything wrong with this phone?” The bartender took the receiver and listened. “Snow must have pulled the lines down. What are you doing out this late in the middle of nowhere?

“I went off the road and got stuck.”

“Where’s your coat?”

“Going to California. I didn’t think to dress for someplace this cold.”

“What would your mama say?” This guy was huge and intimidating, but his smile was warm and inviting. “I’m Gary.” Gary offered his hand. Mikey put his hand out, too, and watched it disappear in Gary’s meaty paw. “Mikey.”

“Lucky you found this place. Nowhere else to stop for miles around. We have travelers in this area getting stuck all the time, wandering off in the snow, never to be seen again.”

“How do you mean?”

“Lots of hungry animals in these woods.”

Mikey gulped a little. Gary laughed and poured Mikey a cup of coffee.

Mikey reached for his wallet. Not there. “I left my wallet in my car. I’m just down the road. I could—”

“Forget it,” said Gary, grabbing one of Mikey’s belt loops and pulling him back. “On the house.”

“Thanks,” Mikey smiled nervously.

“We’re closing in ten minutes. Better drink up.” Mikey took a sip. The coffee tasted funny, but it was warm and it felt good going down.

Gary seemed to emanate warmth. Even from this distance, Mikey could feel the warmth coming off his body like a radiator. When he looked up from his coffee, Gary was smiling at him. Something about that smile made Mikey nervous.

He gulped down the rest of the coffee. “Well, I have some caffeine in me now. Guess I better dig my car out and get back on the road.”

“You sure?” Gary seemed authentically concerned. “I got a guest room. I live just on the other side of the woods behind this place. It’s really bad out there.”

“I’m—I’m sure.” Mikey smiled nervously. He shook Gary’s warm hand and went out.

The temperature had dropped even further. And the wind had picked up. It sliced right through Mikey’s thin coat. Mikey ran to his car and felt in his pockets for his keys.


He tried the doors.


He began retracing his steps. Looking in the snow for anything that might possibly be a set of keys. He crawled on his hands and knees brushing snow from the ground when he came upon two large snow-encrusted boots. He looked up. Gary’s friendly smile. “Lose your keys?”

Mikey nodded.

“We’ll call the Auto Club from my house.” Gary hand wrapped a hand around Mikey’s upper arm and pulled him easily to his feet. “Come on.” He headed into the dark woods behind the building.

Mikey followed. This guy seemed even bigger than when they were inside. His weight pushed his boots deep into the snow. His powerful thighs pushed his body ahead with ease. His broad back was at least twice as wide as Mikey’s body.

They walked for quite a distance. Mikey’s sneakers were soaked through and his feet were getting numb. “How much further?”

Gary turned back and smiled. “Almost there.”

There was a strange, loud cry from the dark between the trees. Mikey jumped.

“It’s nothing,” Gary assured him. “Just a wolf catching a rabbit or something.”

“Oh. That’s sad,” said Mikey, stopping to listen.

“Just the way nature is, my friend. The predators catch the vulnerable ones. Even a young, healthy rabbit makes a wrong turn every once in a while.”

Mikey forced himself to move on, looking back into the woods to where the cry came from. He suddenly tripped on his sneakers and pitched on his face. Gary helped him up and brushed him off. “The wet is doing something weird to my shoes and my clothes,” Mikey said. “It’s making them loose or something.”

“Yeah, that can happen sometimes.”

“I’m getting a little scared. I’m going numb. I don’t think I can walk much further.”

“Well, you can’t turn back now. We’re more than a mile from your car.”

Mikey stood there shivering, not certain what to do.

Gary said, “Gimme your hands.” Gary rubbed Mikey’s hands in his, warming them up. “How’s that feel?”

Mikey blushed. “Good.”

Gary laughed. “Yeah, I can tell.”

“How do you mean?”

“That,” Gary pointed to where Mikey’s cock tented the fabric of his khakis. Mikey instinctually covered the spot with his hands. “It’s okay, Mikey,” Gary assured him. “You like guys?” Mikey shrugged, not looking up. Gary put a thick finger under Mikey’s chin. “It’s okay. I like guys, too.”

Without asking, Gary took Mikey’s hand and put Mikey’s fingers in his mouth. Mikey would have protested if the heat didn’t feel so good.

Gary locked eyes with Mikey. He pulled Mikey’s hand in further. And then part of his arm. That was enough to make Mikey pull back, not sure if he was seeing what he was seeing.

“It’s more my feet than my hands. I have to go back. I’m gonna get frost bite.”

“Take your sneakers off,” Gary said. More like an order than a suggestion.

Mikey hesitated, but then obeyed. He sat on a fallen tree. His wet sneakers and socks came off with unaccustomed ease. “Look at these,” Mikey said, holding up one of his sneakers. “It’s like they grew or something.”

“Or you shrank,” Gary chuckled.

When Gary’s warm hands touched Mikey’s feet, Mikey almost passed out from the warm pleasure.

“Wow. They’re like ice.” Gary said.

“That feels—that feels—“

Gary rubbed Mikey’s feet vigorously. The color started to come back.

“I know something that will really warm them up, Mikey. Close your eyes.”


Because it might scare you. Close your eyes.”

Mikey closed his eyes.

A few moments later, the most unbelievable sensation filled him. A warmth he had never imagined. His body went limp. His head rolled back and forth. “Oh. God. What are you doing to me?” He opened his eyes and looked down.

What he saw made no sense because it was impossible. Gary had somehow put the entirety of Mikey’s feet and calves into his mouth.

Mikey panicked and pulled his legs out. He jumped up. “Stay away from me!” Mikey ran barefoot across the snow.

Gary followed at a leisurely pace.

“Stay back!” Mikey cried. He ran even faster.

“You can’t get away,” Gary assured him gently. “I’ll just follow the tracks.”

Mikey ran as far as he could, but he was already so tired. When he finally couldn’t run any more, he collapsed in the snow. A minute or two later, Gary’s boots were in front of him again.

Gary seemed to have grown to three times his former size. Mikey looked up, breathing hard, terrified. But his cock was stiff and twitching.

“I’m sorry, Mikey.” Gary smiled down at him. “But like I said, it’s just the way of nature. The bigger and stronger ones eat the smaller and weaker ones. It doesn’t mean I don’t like you.” He gently pushed at the tented fabric of Mikey’s crotch with the toe of his boot. “And we know you like me.”

“Is there really any house out here?” Mikey asked sadly.

“It’s still a long ways off.”

“Was there something in that coffee?”

“Yeah. Makes you a little smaller and a little more pliable.”

“The phone in the bar—“

“Not even plugged in.”

“You knew right away you were going to bring me out here and wear me out so you could eat me more easily.”

“I’m afraid so.”

“That’s why they never find the missing travelers.”

“’Cause they’ve never checked here,” Gary slapped his belly and smiled.

Mikey was shivering. After a moment, he said, “You know, I always dreamed this would happen to me someday. I knew my real destiny was to be food for someone higher up on the food chain, but—“

“But you never imagined someone like me really existed.”


“Take off your shirt.” Something made Mikey obey, though he could barely make his fingers work now for the fear and the cold. “Your pants, too.” Mikey sat in the snow and pulled his pants off. He sat there naked and shivering, but despite the icy air his cock jumped and dripped with excitement.

“Poor baby. You look so cold and tired. Let’s get you inside.”

Gary started with Mikey’s feet. Mikey’s breaths were coming in short bursts. His eyes were far away. When Gary got up to Mikey’s knees, he gave Mikey a playful bite. Mikey looked into Gary’s eyes and, in the insanity of his fear and pleasure, he almost smiled.

Gary stood up to his full height and lifted Mikey with him. Gary threw his head back and Mikey slipped in further. Mikey’s butt slid over Gary’s tongue and into the warm, slippery, steaming wetness. Gary played with Mikey’s smooth body, running his tongue along the quivering flesh. Mikey squirmed in ecstasy. “Please— Mikey begged, “Please—” not sure what he was begging for.

Gary put his hands on Mikey’s shoulders and gently pushed Mikey further in. Soon, only Mikey’s head poked out from the steaming maw. Mikey looked into Gary’s eyes again, begging, “Please—”

Gary put a thick finger on the top of Mikey’s head, relishing the look on Mikey’s face as his last shred of hope evaporated. Gary chuckled as Mikey’s eyes fluttered and Mikey’s body spasmed in a powerful, helpless orgasm.

Gary pushed, and Mikey’s head disappeared under Gary’s mustache.

The house wasn’t really that far away. Soon, Gary was inside, leaning back in a comfortable recliner, drying his boots by the fire. Mikey was weakly wiggling and whimpering inside Gary’s warm belly. Gary gently patted his gut—“Come on, now. Settle down in there.”

Mikey was just losing consciousness when Gary let out a thick, wet, powerful belch. The tension went out of Mikey’s body as he drifted off into that ultimate surrender, where his body would serve to keep Gary warm and nourished, and give him the strength and power to conquer the next meal that stumbled across his path.

Gary smacked his lips happily and drifted off to sleep.

Drive carefully. And don’t forget to dress warm.

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